7801 boul. Taschereau #2, Brossard, QC J4Y 1A3

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Occlusal Plate

The occlusal plate is a transparent plastic tray covering the upper, lower, or both teeth. It’s typically worn at night, and the function of the occlusal plate is to relax the muscles and prevent teeth from clenching and grinding.

In other words, the occlusal plate keeps the upper and lower jawbones in the right position and prevents them from exerting force together.

Repeated friction of the teeth leads to premature wear of the teeth and jaw pain. In the most severe cases, it can result in bruxism.

The occlusal plaque is custom-made in the dental office. During regular dental exams, your dentist will check for signs of bruxism. Call Us Now to book an appointment at Soleil dental clinic of Brossard to start your course of preventive treatments.

What is Bruxism

Bruxism occurs when you grind or clench your teeth, and it can cause jaw pain and stiffness, headache, facial pain, worn teeth, chipped teeth.

People can also experience ear pain because the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is the joint that allows the jaw to open and close, is very close to the ear.

Usually, the damage related to bruxism can be prevented by using an occlusal plate.

Occlusal plate cleaning and maintenance

You should always rinse your occlusal plate after every use with a brush and wash it with soap and water. Additionally, it is recommended to soak it in water diluted with a denture cleaning tablet once a week.

Before storage, it should be completely dry to prevent bacterial growth.